Monday, September 25, 2006

God's Kingdom and Present Day Movings

Last Sunday our main talk was on the 145th Psalm. I think of it as the Kingdom Psalm because it has several verses about God's Kingdom. Those verses have been echoing in my heart through the week as I have been seeking the Lord about where our fellowship fits into God's overall plan. It's like God is saying "keep your eye on the ball and don't get distracted by other things, even good things." Elisha was given that challenge by Elijah before Elijah was taken up into heaven. "You have asked a hard thing [for a double portion of his spirit], Nevertheless if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you, but if not, it shall not be so." Then the chariot of fire separated them and Elijah went up in a whirlwind. Elisha exclaimed about the chariots of Israel, but he kept his eye on Elijah and received his request. There are many wonderful things taking place in the Christian world that may be worthy of exclamation but "The Kingdom" is the main thing for us to keep our eye on.
"They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and talk of Your power; To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts and the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations." (Psalm 145:12-14 NASV)
His kingdom is coming with great glory and power--it is full of majesty. The events in the middle east will all lead up to His return. God is right on schedule and the bottom line is that Christ is going to return, establish his glorious Kingdom and reign over this whole earth. Don't let the increasing darkness or the enemies propaganda or pressures deceive us into thinking that God is not at work. His Kingdom may unfold in unexpected ways so we must keep alert.
Last year the book Megashift alerted us to some miraculous movings of God primarily in third world nations. I have just finished a book by the Christian pollster, George Barna entitled Revolution. While I don't endorse all the ideas he promotes, he is alerting us to what he sees as a massive ground swell of Christianity that is taking place across our nation outside of the church's framework. He identifies many on fire Christians who are advancing the Kingdom of God without identifying with a local church congregation. He predicts that this trend will continue and that the way churches are organized and operated will change in the future. According to Barna, this quiet, unseen revolution is already having a major impact on society. While I do not think that God is done working through local church bodies, because there is such a clear scriptural mandate for us all to be under spiritual authority, this could be an answer to our prayers for revival and reformation in this country. Kingdom work is going on just as Daniel prophesied and will continue until the stone kingdom of Christ fills the whole earth. In order to properly take our place in the battle we must keep our eyes on Jesus and what He is doing and fully cooperate in faith for the fullness His desires. If this is a move of God, let's support it in prayer, including that these "revolutionaries" will understand the power and necessity of being under spiritual authority.


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